4 research outputs found

    Модельний аспект оцінки ефективності організації управління та мотивації персоналу

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    This paper proposes methodological aspects of evaluation of organization efficiency of personnel management and motivation on the bases of application of economic and mathematical tools by implementing a three-component algorithmic model. The structural divisions heads’ work effectiveness evaluation is carried out on the basis of econometric systems of structural equations that allow you to rank personality, communicative, innovative, social and corporate managers characteristics that have the greatest impact on the overall performance indicators of the bank staff among which are considered amount of attracted funds; assessment of employee's compliance with the standard; activity efficiency (number of contracts); contribution to development. The obtained modeling results confirm the hypothesis that structural unit managers need to work on the development of their communicative, innovative, personal and social characteristics. Models for analyzing the personnel motivation factors on the bases of the methodology of multivariate statistical factor analysis with initial list of 13 main indicators of staff motivation are proposed; as a result, we set up the aggregated factors that reflect the properties of several motivational components such as financial, social incentives and medical insurance for employees. The model for estimating influence of motivation factors on results of bank's activity on the bases of nonlinear econometric functions is constructed. The regression equation of the motivation factors influence on the bank total profit is obtained. The proposed model toolkit for evaluation of efficiency of management and staff motivation will allow the bank's management to improve motivation and incentives mechanisms in order to raise efficiency of stuff productivity in direction of increasing bank profitability and competitiveness.У статті запропоновано методологічні аспекти оцінки ефективності організації управління персоналом та мотивації на основі застосування економіко-математичного інструментарію шляхом реалізації трьохкомпонентної алгоритмічної моделі. Здійснено оцінку ефективності праці керівників структурних підрозділів на основі економетричних систем структурних рівнянь, що дозволяють ранжувати особистісні, комунікативні, інноваційні, соціальні та корпоративні характеристики, які в найбільшій мірі впливають на загальні показники ефективності роботи персоналу банку, серед яких розглядаються обсяг залучених коштів; оцінка працівника щодо відповідності стандарту; ефективність діяльності (кількість контрактів); вклад у розвиток. Отримані результати підтверджують гіпотезу, що керівникам структурних підрозділів треба працювати над розвитком своїх комунікативних, інноваційних, особистих та соціальних характеристик. Запропоновані моделі аналізу факторів мотивації персоналу за методологією багатовимірного статистичного факторного аналізу на основі вихідного переліку з 13 основних показників мотивації персоналу, у результаті чого сформовані агреговані фактори, що відбивають властивості декількох мотиваційних компонентів, а саме: матеріального стимулювання робітників, соціального стимулювання та охорони здоров’я персоналу. Побудовано модель оцінки впливу факторів мотивації на результати діяльності банку на основі нелінійних економетричних функцій. Отримано регресійне рівняння впливу факторів мотивації на загальний прибуток банку.Запропонований модельний інструментарій оцінювання ефективності управління та мотивації персоналу дозволить керівництву банку вдосконалити механізми стимулювання та заохочення працівників з метою підвищення ефективності їх праці в напрямі підвищення прибутковості та конкурентоспроможності банку

    Opportunities of Ukrainians’ Adaptation in Germany and Positive German Experience Implementation in the Development of Social Programs in Ukraine

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    Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine Germany is among the countries that have accepted the largest number of refugees from Ukraine. Despite the financial support of Germany to Ukrainian citizens, the solvency of Ukrainians, the sufficiency of their savings accumulated in Ukraine for living in Germany, the opportunities and problems for adaptation in Germany associated with the language barrier, the need for retraining of specialists in many specialties, problems for buying own housing in Germany, etc. remain a topical issue. The main indicators of the development of Germany and Ukraine, the comparison of living standards of the population in these countries, and the level of social security are considered in the article. The results of the study showed that the Ukrainian system of providing social assistance is imperfect, as there is no single Social Code, in contrast, there is an undeveloped institution of social inspection, and a low level of social benefits. At the same time, the level of protection of citizens in Ukraine is much lower than in Germany. In Ukraine, the wage level is not competitive. Ukrainians spend almost half of their income on the basic food needs. Therefore, there is no doubt that the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine should include both the necessary financing and the necessary reforms in Ukraine. The authors analyze the characteristic features of the German social assistance system, among which are: financing of the vast majority of social benefits at the expense of insurance contributions; unity and orderliness of social legislation; high level of development of the institute of social inspection, which is a guarantee for the objective assignment of social assistance; high level of social protection of refugees, which is a prerequisite for public peace and social stability; individual approach to the assignment of unemployment social assistance, which contributes to a lower level of unemployment compared to other European countries. The carried out research makes possible to substantiate the directions of the introduction of the German experience into the Ukrainian system of providing social services

    The Analytical-Practical Instrumentarium for Assessing and Forecasting the Liquidity of Banking Institutions

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    The article is concerned with development of a complex of economic-mathematical methods and models for assessing and forecasting the level of liquidity of banks. In order to achieve this objective, a cluster analysis of the banks of Ukraine by the liquidity level has been carried out; a correlation analysis has been applied to identify the factors that impact the level of bank liquidity the most; with use of the correlative regression analysis techniques the model of dependence of bank’s liquidity from the adequacy of capital and the ratio of credits to deposits, dynamic models for forecasting assets and the bank’s lending volumes have been built. As a result of applying these methods and the models built, a forecast of assets and bank lending volumes has been completed, and the liquidity forecasting values have been calculated. Based on the forecast, the bank can make decisions whether it is feasible to implement certain measures to improve its liquidity and, ultimately, to ensure its financial sustainability and stability

    Development of A Method of Protection of Concrete Floors of Animal Buildings From Corrosion at the Expense of Using Dry Disinfectants

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    Concrete floors are most commonly used in animal housing. However, the specific environment of livestock buildings (moisture, urine, disinfectants) has a negative effect on concrete and leads to its corrosion. The influence of chemical and physical factors on concrete is reinforced by the development of microorganisms, which quickly adapt and use concrete as a living environment. To reduce the influence of an aggressive environment on the concrete floor, an experimental mixture of dry disinfectants was proposed. The components of the disinfection mixture have been selected taking into account the safety for animals and humans. The TPD-MS method was used to determine the change in the chemical composition of concrete. To study the microstructure of concrete, the method of scanning electron microscopy was used. Microbiological studies revealed bacteria A. Thiooxidans, S. aureus, E. coli, S. enteritidis, S. Сholeraesuis, C. Perfringen and micromycetes of the genus Cladosporium, Fusariums, Aspergillus, which contribute to the development of biological corrosion of concrete in livestock buildings. The fact of the negative impact of concentrated disinfectants on the structure of concrete was also established. As a result of the studies carried out, it was proved that a mixture of dry components for disinfection exhibits antimicrobial properties to varying degrees to the strains of field isolates of bacteria and fungi isolated in a pig-breeding farm. It was found that when using the proposed mixture of dry disinfectants in the research room of the pigsty, the relative humidity decreases by 38.5 %; ammonia content – by 46.2 %; hydrogen sulfide – by 57.8 %; microbial bodies – by 74.7 %, compared with the control room. It has been experimentally proven that the proposed mixture of dry disinfecting components has hygroscopic and antimicrobial properties and is promising for use in livestock farms